Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Simple Steps to Growing your own Cucumbers in Ontario

 Learn how to grow your own cucumbers and many other vegetables including fruits right on your property in Ontario or any other region in Canada and the USA. Grand River Landscaping encourages your to grow your own foods and have a composting system so you become self sustainable. Go natural today and enrich your garden by learning how to grow alot of cucumbers.

ontario gardening

How to Grow Cucumbers in Ontario

Cucumbers are very easily grown for eating fresh or preserving as pickles in Ontario. They must be grown in warm temperatures and full sunlight, and will not stand frost. Cucumbers mature quickly and are best suited to large gardens but can be grown in small areas if caged or trellised. They can also be grown indoors in full sunlight or a greenhouse. It simple and easy to grow and you can save the seeds from the cucumbers you have now or buy them. 

In Ontario, the best cucumber variety for pickling is ‘National Pickling’, known for its crisp texture and perfect size. This highly productive variety produces uniform, dark-green cucumbers that are ideal for pickling. For slicing, consider the ‘Marketmore 76’, which boasts excellent disease resistance and delicious, thin-skinned fruits. This cucumber is perfect for salads, sandwiches, or simply enjoying fresh from the garden. By choosing these two varieties, you’ll enjoy a bountiful harvest of cucumbers suitable for both pickling and slicing, ensuring you have the perfect cucumbers for all your culinary needs. Happy growing!

Soil Preparation

Cucumbers do best in loose, sandy loam soil but can be grown in any well drained soil. Remove rocks, large sticks and trash before preparing the soil. Leave fine pieces of plant material such as dead grass and small weeds. They will help enrich the soil when turned under. Spade the soil to a depth of 8 to 12 inches. This is about the depth reached by most shovels or spading forks. You can also mix in any compost matter at this phase. Turn each shovel of soil completely over so all plant materials are covered with soil (Figure 1).



cucumber2Cucumbers require plenty of fertilizer. Scatter 1 cup of a complete fertilizer such as 10-10-10 or 10-20-10 for each 10 feet of row. Work the fertilizer into the soil and leave the surface smooth. Soak all your left over onion peels, banana peels and apples in water in a `18 liter jug and use for organic watering for your cucumers. 

Work the soil into beds 4 to 6 inches high and at least 36 inches apart (Figure 2).

Ridges are especially important in heavy soils and poorly drained areas because cucumbers must have good drainage. *TIP* Grow lots of flower varieties and herbs to attract lots of pollinators to your garden. The more bees the merrier and a greater yield.


cucumber3Since cucumbers are a vine crop they require a lot of space. Vines can reach 6 to 8 feet or more. In large gardens cucumbers can spread out on the ground. Plant cucumbers in rows on the ridges prepared earlier. Use a hoe or stick to make a small furrow about 1 inch deep down the center of each ridge. Drop three or four seeds in groups every 12 to 14 inches down the row. By planting several seeds, you are more likely to get a stand. Remove extra plants soon after emergence (Figure 3).

Use three to four seeds in each spot to help plants push through. If you have pre planted indoors before spring then you can sow the plants 8 inches apart at double the starter pot size which would be about 6 by 6 in.

Cover the seed about 1 inch deep with fine soil. Use the flat side of a hoe to firm the soil over the seeds, but do not pack it. Use all natural composts and soils as much or as often as you can. 

In small gardens, train cucumbers on a fence, trellis or cage if wire is available. Plant three or four seeds in hills 4 to 6 inches high along the trellis or cage (Figures 4 and 5).

cucumber4                                                cucumber5

Cucumber roots reach down 36 to 48 inches, so do not plant where tree roots will rob them of water and nutrients. Do not plant cucumbers until all danger of frost has passed and the soil begins to warm.

Plant fast-maturing crops such as lettuce and radishes between the cucumber hills to save space. These will be harvested before the cucumber vines get too large.


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Two types of cucumbers are grown .Slicing types get 6 to 8 inches long and 1 inch or more in diameter when mature. Pickling types are 3 to 4 inches long and up to 1 inch in diameter at maturity. Both types can be used for pickling if picked when small.

For growing carrots in Ontario that are great for both pickling and slicing, go for the versatile ‘Nantes’ variety and the crunchy ‘Danvers Half Long’.

After Planting

Keep cucumbers as weed-free as possible. Use natural methods to deter pests. You can use the ashes from a fireplace and spread around your garden or spray with vinegar and water for insect control. Also a light amount of neem oil in water sprayed lightly will do well.  Do not plow or hoe the soil deeper than about 1 inch because feeder roots may be cut and plant growth slowed.

Apply about 1/2 cup of fertilizer for each 10 feet of row or 1 tablespoon per plant when the vines are about 10 to 12 inches long. You may also use your left over egg shells and pre mix in the soil for organic matter. 

Soak the plants well with water weekly if it does not rain.

Cucumbers have two different flowers, male and female. See figures 6 and 7. Male flowers open first and always drop off. Female flowers form the cucumber and should not drop off. If female flowers begin to drop, touch the inside of each male and female flower with a soft brush or cotton swab. This pollinates the flowers and helps them develop into fruit.




Call - Mohamed : 416 937 6350

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